Visit of engineer Naghavi Mayor Mayor from the laboratories of MyBod Genetics Research Center

In this visit Mayor Maybod met with members of the city council and with the presence of the head of the welfare office from various sections of the center, including genetic counseling, cytotoxicology lab, molecular testing. Further, the center's experts on screening tests and amniocentesis presented an explanation, amniocentesis The medical technique is a pre-natal diagnosis, during which a small amount of amniotic fluid is taken and examined genetically. This is usually done in the second quarter. Amniocentesis is one of the most commonly used invasive methods for prehistoric diagnosis in the second part of pregnancy. Amniocentesis is not recommended for all pregnant mothers, but only for mothers aged 35 or over, or for screening for Down Syndrome or other screening methods for high-risk pregnancies. Amniocentesis In addition to the study of Down syndrome and chromosomal aberrations, fetal status is also used to determine the incidence of other genetic diseases. In these cases, the genetic status of the family and affected individuals should be determined.
At the end of the visit, the construction and development ramps of the Genetic Research Center building came up.
It should be noted that the Meybod Genetics Research Center was set up in 2012 by the Minister of Social Work, a social worker. The center serves as a government center with genetic counseling units, embryo health screening, cytogenetic labs, molecular cytogenetic labs and molecular genetic labs. , The provider of all genetic diagnostic tests.

Register Date :2019-5-22

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