Visit of the Director General of Women's Affairs of the Governorate of Mehriz County Elderly Center

Visit of the Director General of Women's Affairs of the Governorate of Mehriz County Elderly Center
Ms. Danesh observed the elderly closely during the process of providing services to the elderly in Mehriz city.
The general manager of Yazd governorate women expressed her satisfaction with the presence of the elderly and the vigor of these dear ones.
Alizadeh, head of Mehriz County Welfare Office, presented a report on the situation of the city's elderly and providing services to the elderly in the visit, saying that Mehriz County has the second highest number of elderly people in the province. Expanding day care centers, elderly visits, etc. To provide the target population with favorable services The Welfare Chief also announced that Mehriz County now has four day-care centers and a comprehensive center that, in 98, with face planning And coordinated with the governor and governor Dear friends and donors supporting adult day centers will be developed in rural city

Register Date :2019-8-3

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