Meeting of the Council of Public Welfare Contributions of the city of Ashkare

At the beginning of the meeting, the Head of the Welfare of the City, Mr. Mirhaji, while thanking the benefactors, institutions and officials of the city stated that the Welfare Office of the city had the highest rank in attracting participation and medical facilities in the province. Then they came to the brick oven issue, which has been closed for several years due to some obstacles.
The Taliban's representative in the city said that Islam emphasized the importance of charity in the religious culture and the proper use of the spiritual environment, and the people of this province were at the forefront of religious doctrine and doctrine.
Then the head of the province's welfare organization, Mr. Hoomanian, said that the important thing about the partnership is the public participation because the government alone cannot solve all the problems of the deprived and the poor and the well-to-do.
At the end, the Governor expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the meeting and stated that one of the tasks of the Public Participation Council is to promote a culture of participation and use of the capacity of the people and especially the charities to help the needy. They gave the current.

Register Date :2019-9-22

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