A joint message from the Governor and Imam Friday of Mehriz on the occasion of Elderly Week

Mehriz County Public Relations Welfare Director Mehriz Governor and Imam Jahriz Friday Congratulate Elderly Week
in the name of God
You have great and respected elders because respecting them is respecting the divine status.
 Prophet (peace be upon him)
Elderly is a period of life full of maturity and full of experience, it may not be possible to prevent aging and old age, but to create health and peace for dear old people and create conditions that lead to healthy aging and health. It is possible to get older. Today, due to the rapid movement of the Sunni population pyramid of the society towards aging and consequently the province of Mehriz province, which is the second largest city in the province with the percentage of population aging (11/27), all community members, governmental institutions, NGOs, Semnan It is imperative to address the issue of aging population and ways to better serve these loved ones as a top priority in their work plans and policies so that we can see happy, healthy older people.

In honor of the Elderly Week, and honoring these dear ones who have always emphasized Islam and the elders of the religion, we are obliged to follow the motto of Equal Opportunities for all ages and congratulate all dear seniors this week. Strangers I appreciate the city's hard working elderly service.

Walsam Alikam and Rahma Allah and Barakat

Register Date :2019-9-28

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