Announcement of welfare programs at the commemoration week honoring the dignity of the elderly

The head of Yazd Public Welfare Organization said this year is a week of reverence for the dignity of the elderly from October 10 to 16, with the slogan "Moving to the future", taking advantage of the talents, cooperation and participation of the elderly people in the community.
Zahra Shahzavazi, referring to the naming of the week of reverence for his seniority, said: "On the 10th of October, the elderly, the ancient traditions and reverence of their dignity, Tuesday, October 11, elderly day and development, Wednesday, September 12, elderly, justice, civil rights and protections Legal, Thursday, 13th of October, Social Aging Day and Empowering Environments, Friday, Oct. 14, Elderly and Solidarity Day in the Family, and Saturday, October 15, are named after the Elderly, Healthy, and Healthy Lifestyle.
He said about this week's welfare programs in Yazd province: "This week, various programs, such as sports and recreational programs, the establishment of the exhibition of the achievements of the elderly in the daily centers of aging, the creation of the public's visit to the aging centers, the holding of workshops Educational methods for the acquisition of positive aging, elderly life skills training, provision of free rehabilitation services to the elderly are considered.

Register Date :2017-10-2

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