14.5% of the Yazd disabled people are blind

Deputy Director of Rehabilitation Affairs of Yazd Welfare Organization said: "This figure in the country is 12%, and the number of blind and visually impaired people in this province is higher than the national average."
Dr. Mohammad Hossein Ghoenieh The reason for the high number of blind people in the province is diabetes, hypertension, infectious diseases and inborn marriages, adding that genetic and hereditary factors are also involved in this disability.
Deputy Director of Rehabilitation Affairs of Yazd Welfare Organization said: out of a total of 7,200 disabled and blind people in the province, 3,000 and 521 of them have a case in the Welfare Organization and benefit directly from the organization's services.
He said that everyone else was indirectly entitled to a welfare organization, and provided treatment, education, rehabilitation and vocational assistance, including the services of their organization.
The booty said that there is a day-care center for the family and the low-vision and blind child in the province, providing education and rehabilitation services for blind and sighted children.
There are currently 25,200 disabled people in Yazd province's well-being and benefit from its services.
40 percent of disabled people in Yazd province are physically active, 27 percent mentally, and others with hearing impairment, vision and other handicaps.
October 24, the white cane day is named after the slogan "It's power, this self-confidence is independence."

Register Date :2017-10-15

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