Meeting of the head of the welfare department of the city with the governor of Ashkzar city with the director general of roads and urban planning of Yazd province

According to the public relations of Ashkzar city welfare; During this meeting, Hadi Nasab, the governor of Ashkzar city, followed up with the memorial of the director general of roads and urban planning of the province, and Mirhaji, the head of the city's welfare department, followed up on the housing problems of the clients of Ashkzar city.
The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Governor for Planning and Coordination of Civil Affairs, the Mayor of Ashkzar, and the heads of the Roads and Urban Development and Welfare Departments of Ashkzar. Issues related to infrastructure and asphalt of Rezvanshahr Welfare Housing Project, land transfer to the families of the disabled in the city, with the priority of the families of the two disabled, and good decisions were made in this regard and announced in a minutes for implementation.

Register Date :2020-5-19

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