Commendation of Governor Mehriz of the blind guard of the Koran

The governor of Mehriz city attended the house of Fereshteh Havar, the Imam Mahrizi blind who Hafez 28 is part of the Qur'an, praised his Qur'anic activities.
Salvation, referring to the diligence and Qur'anic activities of the angel of the digger and the first rank of preservation of 15 components by him, stated: "Many of the backwardness, disorientation and social harm of the society are due to the distancing from the Qur'an, which should be accompanied by more active efforts and activities." Defenders of the Qur'an and the high spiritual values ​​of these problems will be eliminated.
During this visit, the head of the Mehriz Welfare Office reported on the city's cultural well-being activities, in particular on cultural issues, Quran and various rankings by prospective peoples.

Register Date :2017-12-14

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