Young Teachers Meet Familiarity with Life Skills

Hojatoleslam Aqaii, director of the Mediation and Family Department of Justice, said: "These courses are for young couples who are introduced by the marriage offices to the intermediary unit and the family of the judiciary.

"During these courses, the couples are referred to as professors of ethics, counseling and family counseling," he said. One of the most important issues is the investigation of 26 injuries that may occur in couples' lives, which are based on existing cases of spousal differences in the judiciary.

Hojjatoleslam Aqa'i, referring to the necessity of teaching life skills, expressed the following: Special education for young couples should be continuous and not summarized at these meetings, because young couples always need spiritual support that this support is achieved through continuous and targeted education.

Young couples will learn how to play roles in common life by learning the skills of a young partner, and if they do, they can experience a successful life with their spouse.

Register Date :2018-1-6

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