The blue sky charity festival was held with the aim of supporting well-preserved and disabled families.

With the help of the East Ardakan Sunshine Institute and the noble Professor Dr. Mohsen Motazi, a ceremonial ceremony entitled "Vow of Happiness" and the "Blue Sky" festival were held with the aim of protecting well-preserved families and people with disabilities in the city of Ardakan.

Hussein al-Islam and Naser Naghouyan celebrated the celebration of the Ardakan blue sky and the live performances of Shahab Mozafari in Ardakan.

Shahab Mozafari, who was held last night at Imam Khomeini (RA) Ardakan's center, said at the beginning of his concert with a poem written by Hafez and informed by the "Almanah Lullah, who is in the open, Is ".

"Joy, the baby is a dummy of man," he said, and if a person wants to be successful in the future, he must live happily and happily.

The religious expert added: Some people think that only when Salavat is redeemable, but every move comes from real and inner happiness, is alien to God, provided that that joy is real.

The devotee praised God for the grace of the benefactors of this program to bring blessings to the people with the blessing of these joys and on the eve of New Year.

It is worth mentioning that a number of provincial and provincial provincial and provincial officials, Leila Uthadi, a cinema and television actor who is known as a peace and welfare ambassador, were present at the ceremony.

Register Date :2018-3-4

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