Conducting a civic training course for directors and mentors of child care centers

Conducting a civic training course for directors and mentors of child care centers
Civic Opportunities and Threats Training Course attended by Hojatoleslam Aqa Shahi was held at the conference hall of the Welfare Office of Mehriz city.
At the beginning of this period, Alizadeh, the head of the Department of Welfare of Mahrez, praised and praised the good cooperation of the Chief of Staff, and expressed the training of opportunities and threats of cyberspace as one of today's needs, and stated that as the proper use of these networks has many advantages Regarding information, employment, etc., improper use of it also causes a lot of social damage
Hojatoleslam Aqa Shahi further spoke about the opportunities for cybercafe and announced that the present era is the Internet age, information and cyberspace. Particular attention is paid to the opportunities created by this space, along with the identification of its threats to the families, especially children and adolescents, and improper use of it.

Register Date :2018-3-11

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