The fitting of the living environment is one of the most important rights of the elderly

The head of the Ardakan Welfare Organization at the Council for the Organization of the Elderly Affairs of the city, referring to the International Day of the Elderly and the special slogan of this day (protecting the rights of the seniors), called for the need for the elderly to have access to all of their citizenship and human rights and, by presenting slides, Elders in Iranian and Islamic culture and traditions cited the Islamic verses and verses, explaining the rights of the elderly in the religion of Islam and then elucidating the rights of the elderly in terms of the elderly rights charter and UN principles for the elderly for members of the council.
 Referring to paragraphs 7 and 14 of the general population policy, Dr. Adzadeh emphasized the necessity of reverting the elderly and creating the necessary conditions for health and empowerment and demographic and human development research in this field, and establishing the Ardakan elderly research center as a step towards These requirements are stated.
Referring to Article 2 of the Charter on the Rights of the Elderly and Materials 5, 7.8, the United Nations Principles for the Elderly, including the rights of the elderly, referred to the living environment with the needs of the elderly, and emphasized the appropriateness of the public spaces. In an unobstructed and friendly city of the elderly, with the focus on the fact that all citizens have the same citizenship rights, facilities are provided to everyone, and all citizens, including the elderly and the disabled, can enjoy the facilities without the slightest difficulty.
 Arzodzadeh said that in most developed countries of the world, some simple measures such as equipping the public transport fleet for physical and motorized persons and the elderly are among the first steps that have made these cities in the list of cities with sustainable development. He said: "With the fitting of passages and places for the disabled and the elderly, the same conditions of living for all people of the community will be provided and many of the present and future problems will be reduced."
He emphasized that the safety and sanitation of the environment for the elderly could provide them with a safe and secure environment for life, providing active social participation and social partnerships for the elderly.
Ardakan governor, also celebrating the weekly reverence of the elderly, said: Considering this period and planning to prepare and adapt the urban and administrative environment for the effective and effective participation of the elderly in all social areas, he urged all government departments and agencies to make a container. For a period of one month, all services provided to the elderly and retired are to be considered at the next meeting of the council.
 In the follow-up session, each member of the council expressed opinions and actions on topics related to health, exercise and motor skills in the elderly, as well as a report on ongoing programs and activities in this regard.

Register Date :2018-10-11

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