This year, 10 billion rials were allocated to the Meybod Genetic Center

Said Ebrahimi, on the sidelines of the visit to the Meybod Genetic Center, added: "Prevention of disabilities and social damage is the responsibility of the Welfare Organization. It was reminded: To prevent disabilities and injuries, we are witnessing a good event to identify the indicator of the beginning of disabilities in the country. This will continue to reduce disabilities.
Director General of the Office of Budget and Integration of the Welfare Organization said: Genetic testing and counseling is one of the means of preventing disabilities that is being carried out at the Center for the Study of Genetics, which is a very large unit of expertise and capabilities.
Referring to the fact that not only Yazdi but also people from neighboring provinces can benefit from the services of the center, he added, "Even if this center can prevent the birth of a disabled child, it is a good one. Last year it was a great deal." Good results were also achieved
Ebrahimi continued, "The center has gained a good perspective on disability since its inception." As far as we can strengthen these centers, single-parent families and high-risk families undergo genetic testing, Disability will be in society.
Director General of the Office of Budget and Integration of the Organization for Welfare said that data collection from the Center for abortion and prevention of high-risk marriage for people with disabilities can also be used in other provinces.
The Meybod Genetic Research Center has been in place since 2012 as the southeast field of genetics in an area of ​​3,000 and 500 square meters with specialized genetic laboratory services in various disciplines, including the cytogenetic section where analysis of the chromosomes is performed, as well as the section A molecule associated with the PCR assay, sequencing, and Array CGH assays for the detection of many single-gene diseases and also screening for pregnancy.
The center has continued its activities for more than 150-160 billion rials for construction and equipment supply.
20% of the good costs, according to the head of the Meybod Welfare Office, should be more committed to supporting this center as a specialized center for disability prevention testing.

25,000 disabled people in Yazd province receive 40% of physical disabilities, 38% mental and psychological disabilities, 26% of eyesight and hearing, and less than 1% of speech disorders from the welfare organization.

Register Date :2019-1-5

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