More than 3,500 deaf people are covered by Yazd's well-being

The Welfare Directorate of Yazd province, referring to preventive measures regarding deafness, said that more than 3,500 deaf people are currently covered by Yazd's well-being.
Jalil Efati, referring to the implementation of preventive plans for deafness and hearing loss, said: "One of the plans is the implementation of auditory screening in the province, and if families return to well-being before the age of six months, the problem will be resolved.
He said that genetic counseling is provided by the Welfare Organization for free births, and that genetic counseling, counseling for pregnancy and postnatal birth can prevent many disabilities, and that this disability Pre-marital genetic counseling, pregnancy and postnatal examinations can also be prevented.
The director general of Yazd province's well-being said that cochlear implant as one of the province's welfare services for the deaf has been added to the deaf, adding that the slaughter of each snail today costs about 40 million USD, which will cost all services for cochlear implantation for newborns. Covered by insurance services.
He announced the planting of 15 snails last year and said, "The charity's contribution to this area has had a deafening effect on people with disabilities."
"The implementation of the screening and genetic counseling program for families has led to the failure of the deaf child to be added to the hearing loss of the province," he said, announcing that the implementation of the plans for this device has prevented the hearing-impaired baby.
He added that all institutions and organizations are required to provide services to people with disabilities in the face of disabilities by creating a rehabilitation and empowerment platform.
He stated that the child is the most important and most sensitive stage in the development of human personality and identity: "The physical, psychological and intellectual health of the human being, and in the broader dimension of society, have a profound and undeniable dependence on the quality and quality of this period of life. Families will prevent the emergence of disabilities in a timely manner in order to have a healthy and healthy community.

Register Date :2019-1-23

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